As this year comes to an end, I can't help but think back to all the good, and bad, times I have had in 2007. This year I turned 25 (yikes!) and I feel I have grown so much due to the experiences and changes I have undergone.
The year started out with a lot of heartache. I lost a dear friend, one that I thought I would have forever. No, she didn't die (thank God), but after many tribulations I think we both decided it was best to be out of eachothers' lives. Although I loved her deeply and would have done anything for her, I feel I was taken advantage of. She was very unhappy with herself, and this negativity affected my life to the fullest degree. I found myself looking at life in a bad light, even though I have an amazing life and have always been a very happy girl. This was due to her effect on me. Jealousy can make people do crazy things, and her jealousy was ugly. Even when I attempted to reconcile things that weren't even my doing, I was shot down. I learned that the only person I can count on keeping happy is myself. I know now that nothing you do for anyone else will guarantee loyalty and happiness. I've also learned that you should NEVER, under any circumstances, lend your friends money. You will never see it again and it could potentially ruin relationships. I learned this the hard way; you can never depend on others to be as respectful and responsible as yourself. Thankfully, this negative force is gone from my life, and I don't intend to associate myself with people who constantly complain, mooch, and lie any longer. And that's that!
My life changed drastically after the removal of this person. The sun came back out again and life was good. I realized that I had a great group of friends who care about me, and who would never pull the shit she did. I developed a stronger and more real relationship with Jeff Molle, a guy who is irreplaceable. He has held my hand through my darkest hours, let me cry on his shoulder many nights, and listened to me vent repeatedly. Jeff, I love you and I don't think I would be the person I am without you. I will love you 'til the day I die, and I will have your back for the rest of your life. You truly are my angel.
There have been many others who helped me up when I all know who you are. A great asset and new addition to my life is Amber Yordy. She is a great roommate and even better friend. Amber, you don't know how thankful Jordi and I are to have you with us. You are clean, honest, and most of all FUN! We have had so many good times together, and I can't wait to return home and make more amazing memories with you.
Liz and Jorgie have been super supportive and I have some of my best times with you 2. Liz, I feel like I connect with you more than a lot of people, and I thank God constantly for your presence in my life. You are truly inspirational and I hope I can one day have your grace and poise when it comes to hardships. And Lord knows we both have had our share!
Melissa McMillian is responsible for so much in my life. You are my go-to girl. Whenever I need advice or just some answers, you never disappoint. Your love for your husband Ryan is what I want. You inspire me to want to settle down and grow up (not without a couple of drunk nights here and there!) and to look at life with a "who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks" point of view. Not many people in Orange County have that mentality, and I hope to adopt this outlook more and more. I love you. You are like a sister, and I wouldn't replace you for anyone in the world.
Jarret Rhoton is the source of all my laughter and tears (from laughing so damn much!) He has taught me to be more light-hearted, a better bowler, and to be a better flip-cup contestant. I never want to go to Vegas again without you, and I really hope we are friends forever. You'll always be in my top 5, J.Rho!
Brittany Alexandra Gery is my logical and caring friend. She has been there for me through numerous trials in my life. We have experienced soooo much together, and you seem to always know what to say to make my day brighter. You always have the best advice about guys, and you know what to say and when to say it. I have loved you from the first time we met in Mr. Shannon's class, and I will love you always. I am so happy you have found love this year and I hope it only grows over time.
Annie Song, my scissor sister. I love love love when you are around, and I truly think you are the most considerate and caring person I have ever met. We always have fun deflecting the lame comments frome Juice and Jarret, and I hope we have many more good times in 2008.
Lindsay and Kevin are 2 of a kind..really. You two are the funniest, most entertaining people I know. I love going out with you two! You have been there for Jordi through a lot, and I can never thank you enough. Until I find a way, Linds and I will continue to make our sexy faces and bust our famous dance moves for all to enjoy. I love you guys a ton!
And, of course, there is my sister. She is the best sister I could ever ask for. She puts up with all my shit, shares her life with me, and, most of all, is the best friend I could ever have. She and I have gone through a lot together over the last 23 years, and there is no one else I would choose to be by my side for the rest of my life. I cannot express how deeply I care for you, Seester. You are my sunshine. I love you with all of my heart.
There are many more people who have had positive influences in my life, so don't think I have forgotton you. I am so thankful for every person and every experience God gives me. Everything that happens is for a reason, and instead of regretting certain things, I have found that taking those times as learning experiences is the only way to go. This life here on Earth is short; it could end tomorrow. I am so happy with my position on this planet and I am so blessed to have these friends and the family I was given.
Spending this time in Europe with my mom, my brother and sister is truly the perfect way to end 2007. Although it started off rocky, now is the time to enjoy every experience that is handed to me. I have already learned a lot about myself and others in the short time I have been here, and I can't wait to see what new adventures await me in 2008.
Happy New Year, everyone! I pray that 2008 brings happiness, health, and prosperity to all. I can't wait to see you all in April!
xoxox, Kati Grae